Liquid Heroin: Dangers Of Using Lean

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Liquid heroin, also called lean, is a type of illicit opioid drug that is ingested orally and can be extremely addictive. Heroin addiction can occur in a person as soon as the first time it is used, and can cause a number of adverse side effects and physical and mental health problems.

Liquid heroin, also known as lean, Purple Drank, or Sizzurp, is a mix containing Codeine cough syrup and soda. is a dangerous and highly addictive substance. It is made by combining heroin with other chemicals, often including candy or soft drinks.

Lean is a type of heroin that is often used by young people because it is easy to access and relatively inexpensive. However, the dangers of using this drug are severe.

Liquid heroin is highly potent and can easily lead to overdose. The effects of the drug are also very unpredictable, which makes it even more dangerous.

Effects And Dangers Of Using Lean

People who abuse heroin may experience drowsiness, relaxation, and euphoria, but they can also experience nausea, vomiting, and seizures.

Because the long-term and short-term effects of heroin are so unpredictable, users often take more of the drug than they should, which can lead to overdose.

In addition to the risk of overdose, using liquid heroin can also lead to other dangers, such as various physical health problems. The drug can damage the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

It can also cause problems with the heart and respiratory system, the symptoms of which exponentially increase the more it is abused.

Long-term use of liquid heroin can cause mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Differences Between Liquid Heroin And Powdered Heroin

There are two primary forms of heroin: liquid heroin and powdered heroin.

Both types of heroin are highly addictive and can have serious consequences, but there are some key differences between them.

First, liquid heroin is a type of heroin that is typically dissolved in water or another liquid before being injected. This makes it easier to inject and results in a quicker, more intense high.

However, it also makes liquid heroin more dangerous than powdered heroin, as it is easier to overdose on.

Powdered heroin, on the other hand, is a type of heroin that is usually snorted or smoked. It takes longer to feel the effects of powdered heroin, but the high is less intense.

Both types of heroin are dangerous and can have serious consequences. If you or someone you know is using heroin, it is important to get help as soon as possible.

Street Names For Liquid Heroin

Liquid heroin is a highly addictive drug made from the opium poppy. It is typically injected, but can also be smoked or snorted.

The effects of liquid heroin include euphoria, drowsiness, and sedation. Long-term effects of liquid heroin use can include addiction, liver disease, collapsed veins, and heroin abscesses.

Most street names for liquid heroin refer to the appearance of the drug, its effects, or both.

For example, liquid heroin is sometimes called:

  • Nose Drops
  • Golden Dragon
  • Mississippi Mud
  • Hiro
  • Japan
  • Aunt Hazel

What Does Liquid Heroin Look Like?

Liquid heroin looks like an amber-colored liquid. It is typically sold in small vials or bottles. The liquid heroin may be mixed with water or alcohol to make it more potent.

This drug is typically sold as a dark brown or black tar-like substance, but can also be found in a white powder form.

It is often diluted with other substances such as sugars, quinine, or powdered milk before being sold on the street, or other drugs such as cocaine to create a “speedball.”

How Is Liquid Heroin Used?

Liquid heroin can be used in a variety of ways but is most commonly injected.

When injected, heroin is usually diluted with water. It is then injected into a vein using a needle. The effects of injected heroin are felt almost immediately and can last for four to five hours.

Risks Of Liquid Heroin Abuse

The risks of lean abuse are numerous and potentially fatal.

The most immediate and dangerous risk is heroin overdose, as liquid heroin is more potent and easily accessible than other forms of the drug.

People who abuse liquid heroin are also at a higher risk for contracting diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C, as the drug is often injected directly into the bloodstream.

Long-term effects of liquid heroin abuse can include liver and kidney damage, as well as collapsed veins.

Other health risk factors of long-term liquid heroin abuse are:

  • severe heroin withdrawal symptoms
  • dry mouth
  • constipation
  • high blood pressure
  • cardiovascular failure
  • mental and behavioral health disorders
  • increased heart rate
  • tissue scarring
  • collapsed veins

How Heroin Addiction Is Treated

The risks of developing a drug addiction to prescription drugs or synthetic opioids, or a combination of the two, such as lean, can be dangerous.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options for heroin abuse.

Some of these addiction treatment options include:

  • inpatient and outpatient treatment programs for opioid addiction
  • drug use counseling and education
  • substance use disorder (SUD) therapy
  • medication-assisted treatment (MAT) using methadone, buprenorphine, and more
  • general healthcare services
  • intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • intensive inpatient programs
  • detoxification from black tar heroin, fentanyl,
  • prescription opioids, painkillers, and other drugs
  • cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • motivational interviewing (MI)
  • evidence-based treatment

Fortunately, law enforcement agents and medical professionals often carry over-the-counter opiate antagonists, such as naloxone, which can be used to revive someone who has experienced a heroin overdose.

Find Substance Abuse Treatment For Heroin Abuse Today

If you, a family member, or a loved one is seeking treatment for heroin abuse, give our hotline a call to discuss obtaining a referral to a drug treatment facility near you.


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