Heroin is an illegal opioid drug that is most commonly injected by those who develop dependence and heroin addiction. It can also be smoked, injected, or inserted rectally.
Drug paraphernalia refers to materials of any kind that are used to prepare, produce, or administer drugs. There are several that are commonly associated with heroin drug use.
Someone who has developed a heroin addiction might possess paraphernalia depending on how they use the drug and the severity of their substance use disorder.
Common Examples Of Heroin Paraphernalia
There are several tools and other forms of drug use equipment that are used to prepare, conceal, manufacture, administer, or increase the potency of heroin.
Below are some of the most common examples of the method of heroin use.
Equipment Used To Inject Heroin
According to researchers, most people who become dependent on heroin, or use it chronically, will eventually inject heroin because it can produce a more rapid, intense high.
This can also help alleviate withdrawal symptoms from heroin dependence.
Common paraphernalia used to inject heroin include:
- hypodermic syringes/hypodermic needles, also known as heroin needles
- cotton balls
- rubber tubing to “tie off” a limb for injection
- heroin spoons
- bottle caps
- lighter/candle/other heating source
Testing equipment, or equipment used to increase the potency of drugs, such as isomerization devices, are also legally defined as paraphernalia under federal law.
Items Used To Smoke Heroin
Smoking heroin, or “chasing the dragon,” is another way this drug is used.
Paraphernalia associated with smoking drugs include:
- lighters
- matches
- rolling paper/cigarette paper
- pipes (e.g. water pipes, carburetor pipes, chamber pipes, ice pipes, electric pipes, air-driven pipes)
- roach clips
- straws
- burnt aluminum foil
White or brown powdered heroin can be smoked, or one can heat the heroin up and inhale its vapors through a straw or other material. The effects can be felt within minutes of use.
Items Used To Snort Heroin
Powdered heroin, including white and brown powdered heroin, can be snorted similarly to other common drugs of abuse such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and amphetamines.
Unlike some other drugs, however, there is little ritual that is generally involved with snorting heroin, so there is not as wide a range of paraphernalia associated with it.
Paraphernalia associated with snorting heroin may include:
- rolled-up dollar bills
- straws
- small plastic baggies
- razor blades
- hollowed-out pens
What Are The Risks Of Heroin Paraphernalia?
Both the possession and use of heroin paraphernalia can come with certain risks, including health risks, as well as potential legal troubles, should you be found with paraphernalia in possession.
This is true for heroin paraphernalia, as well as paraphernalia associated with other drugs, including sifters, separation gins, bongs, blenders, chillums, carburetion tubes, vials, metal bowls, and diluents like lactose or mannitol.
Health Risks Of Heroin Paraphernalia
All methods of heroin use carry with them certain health risks. Chronic heroin use can lead to dependence, withdrawal, and psychological addiction, in addition to other health problems.
There are also forms of heroin paraphernalia, such as needles, that come with specific health risks. This is something that harm reduction advocates are working to address in communities.
Health risks of chronic heroin use include:
- bloodborne disease (from shared or unsanitary needles)
- collapsed veins
- abscesses from heroin use
- track marks
- damage to nasal tissue (from snorting)
- heart problems
- liver and kidney damage
- heroin overdose
Dangers Of Possessing Heroin Paraphernalia
Possession of drug paraphernalia can also come with direct dangers, such as legal consequences of possession, as well as indirect risks such as heroin addiction.
Legal Consequences
Under federal law, it is illegal “to sell or offer for sale drug paraphernalia; to transport drug paraphernalia; or to import or export drug paraphernalia” in the United States.
This includes equipment, products, or materials intended to create, use, or sell a controlled substance.
However, there are exemptions for misdemeanor charges for the sale or possession of drug paraphernalia.
Plus, several states have amended their own state laws, modeled after federal law, to add additional exemptions, or to remove certain items from their legal definitions of paraphernalia.
One example is drug testing equipment such as fentanyl test strips. While these are still illegal to possess or sell in most U.S. states, some states have moved to decriminalize or legalize them.
Sign Of Addiction
Having heroin paraphernalia among your belongings can also be a sign of heroin dependence or heroin use disorder.
People who use illicit drugs like heroin once, or infrequently, will not likely have these items readily on hand.
Other Signs Of Heroin Addiction
Simply having paraphernalia isn’t confirmation of addiction by itself. Many materials used to administer or prepare drugs are common household items, or can be used for other purposes.
Other signs of heroin addiction might include:
- signs of injection drug use (e.g. track marks)
- dramatic weight loss
- frequent, compulsive heroin use
- withdrawing from friends, family, and other loved ones
- continuing to use heroin despite negative consequences
- experiencing heroin overdose
- increasing heroin use over time and changing method of use
- using heroin with other drugs (e.g. fentanyl, cocaine abuse, cannabis)
Heroin addiction can be all-consuming. It can make it hard for you to maintain healthy relationships and employment, and can also affect mood, mental health, and physical health.
Treatment Options For Heroin Drug Abuse
A number of rehab programs in the U.S. exist for treating substance abuse at multiple levels of care. Common examples include detox, inpatient, residential, and outpatient rehab programs.
Which type of program is right for you or a loved one will depend on the severity of your illness, among other factors. The best treatment programs offer both medical and behavioral healthcare.
Treatment services might include:
- medically supervised heroin detox
- medication for opioid use disorder (e.g. methadone)
- individual and group counseling
- behavioral therapy
- social services
- physician services
- relapse prevention
- aftercare support
Find Treatment For Heroin Abuse And Addiction Today
Talking to your healthcare provider, or getting in touch with a treatment specialist is the best way to figure out what kind of treatment will be best suited to meet your needs.
Article Sources- Cornell University: Legal Information Institute (LII)
https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/863 - U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs6/6445/6445p.pdf - U.S. National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA)