2 Detox And Rehab Centers In Leeds, Massachusetts

Updated on June 21, 2021

Detox provides an opportunity for individuals to withdraw safely before beginning a dedicated addiction treatment program.

Leeds, Massachusetts Drug Rehab Centers

Residents of Leeds, Massachusetts, can attend either a hospital-based medical detox program or an outpatient, non-medical detoxification program.

Withdrawing from alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines alone can be highly dangerous, and even life-threatening, which is why attending a supervised detox center is highly recommended.

Learn more about substance abuse treatment facilities in Leeds that offer alcohol and drug detox services:

photo of VA Central Western Massachusetts HCS

VA Central Western Massachusetts HCS Substance Use Disorders Clinic

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
421 North Main Street, Leeds, MA 1053
VA Central Western Massachusetts HCS Substance Use Disorders Clinic is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Leeds, MA. Find out more

photo of VA Central Western Massachusetts

VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
421 North Main Street, Leeds, MA 1053
VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Leeds, MA. Find out more


Canton, Massachusetts

Bedrock Recovery Center


Levels of Care:

Payment Options: Insurance Accepted, Self Pay

View Center Profile

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Ohio Recovery Center


Levels of Care:

Payment Options: Insurance Accepted, Self Pay

View Center Profile
Spring Hill Recovery Center


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