1 Detox And Rehab Center In Camden, Alabama

Updated on October 22, 2021

The pain of withdrawal can make it hard to focus, and medical detox can help. There is one medical detox center in Camden, Alabama.

Camden, Alabama Drug Rehab Centers

Patients experiencing withdrawal symptoms may find it impossible to participate in therapy and activities at an alcohol and drug rehab center.

Patients must go through medical detox before working through an alcohol and drug rehab program.

Find out more about how working with a medical detox center in Camden can set you up for successful alcohol and drug treatment by reading below:

photo of Cahaba Center for MH/MR Services

Cahaba Center for MH/MR Services Wilcox County Satellite

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
45 Camden Bypass, Camden, AL 36726
Cahaba Center for MH/MR Services Wilcox County Satellite is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Camden, AL. Find out more

photo of Cahaba Cares

Cahaba Cares

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
45 Camden Bypass, Camden, AL 36726
Cahaba Cares is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Camden, AL. Find out more


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