2 Detox And Rehab Centers In Bridgeton, Missouri

Updated on October 11, 2021

Detoxing can seem almost impossible for people beginning addiction treatment. However, recovery is possible with the help of a detox center in Bridgeton.

Bridgeton, Missouri Drug Rehab Centers

Before beginning alcohol and drug treatment, people with substance use disorder should seek the help of a detox center to help physically stabilize.

A medical detox program can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and provide additional support to those looking to recover from substance use disorder.

To view detox centers in Bridgeton, click below:

photo of BJC Behavioral Health/North Division

BJC Behavioral Health/North Division

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
3165 McKelvey Road, Bridgeton, MO 63044
BJC Behavioral Health/North Division is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Bridgeton, MO. Find out more

photo of SSM DePaul Health Center

SSM DePaul Health Center

Provides: Drug and Alchohol Detox & Substance Abuse Treatment
12303 De Paul Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044
SSM DePaul Health Center is a alcohol and drug detox rehab center located in Bridgeton, MO. Find out more


Canton, Massachusetts

Bedrock Recovery Center


Levels of Care:

Payment Options: Insurance Accepted, Self Pay

View Center Profile

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Ohio Recovery Center


Levels of Care:

Payment Options: Insurance Accepted, Self Pay

View Center Profile
Spring Hill Recovery Center


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