Cost Of Vicodin (Street Price)

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The street price of Vicodin differs significantly from the pharmacy price. Many factors affect the street price, including location, demand, and more. Substance abuse can be costly in many ways, but there are options for help.

Vicodin is one of the brand names for a prescription opioid painkiller medication that is a mix of hydrocodone and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Other brand names include Lortab, Lorcet-HD, Hycodan, and Vicoprofen.

Street names for the prescription drug include “Vikes” and “Watson-387.”

Many medications are obtained through the black market. Commonly sought-after medications include Vicodin and other prescription painkillers, benzodiazepines, and amphetamines.

How Much Vicodin Costs On The Street

1 mg $1
1 Tablet $15

This is more expensive than getting Vicodin at a pharmacy without medical insurance in the United States.

Cost Of Vicodin Compared To Other Opioid Drugs Sold On The Street

In addition to its negative impacts on mental and physical health, addiction can cause devastating financial impacts.

The cost of common opioid drugs on the street includes:

  • codeine (Lortab): $3 to $10 per tablet, with increases in price as the dose increases. Pharmacy cost is about $1.12 per 30 mg pill.
  • hydromorphone (Dilaudid, Exalgo): Has a vast range depending upon the dose, but can be $2+ per pill.
  • oxycodone (Percocet/OxyContin): Can be up to $15 to $20 per pill, while the pharmacy price is around 33 cents per pill.
  • tramadol: $1 to $5 per pill on the black market, while pharmacy costs are around $1.25 per pill, with the cost lowering depending upon discounts or insurance.
  • alprazolam (Xanax): $1 to $5 per pill depending upon the amount, but can be about $25 per prescription.
  • Valium: $1 to $3.50 or more per pill.

The street value versus the pharmacy cost is usually quite different, with the black market price typically being three to six times higher than pharmacy prices.

Though it is rare, for people without medical insurance, medications can be cheaper on the street than at the pharmacy. This may include Valium, which is about $2 more per pill at a pharmacy.

However, buying drugs on the black market is very risky, as these drugs may be counterfeit and not include any of the prescription medication or contain life-threatening substances such as fentanyl.

Illegally obtained Valium has caused a number of deaths in the past years. People should only buy prescription medications from a licensed pharmacy.

Factors That Influence The Street Price Of Vicodin

There are many factors that influence the cost of drugs obtained on the black market. Demand is part of the reason for the constantly changing prices.

During the height of the pandemic, accessibility was reduced and demand increased. Due to this, many prices for drugs increased, including street drugs.

Location can also be a factor, as supply and demand are different in different areas of the country, such as in cities or rural areas.

Due to pharmaceutical price hikes and other issues, some people may not be able to afford their medications via traditional routes, causing them to resort to other means of acquiring it.

Buying prescription medications other than through a licensed pharmacy comes with serious risks, as they can be fake pills or laced with other drugs.

Risks Of Vicodin Abuse

Vicodin use has a number of serious side effects, including liver damage and GI distress. The risk of these side effects increases when the drug is taken at higher doses or more often than prescribed.

Risks of Vicodin abuse include:

  • muscle weakness, rigidity, or pain
  • nausea
  • general malaise
  • constipation
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • vomiting and other GI upset
  • slowed heart rate
  • lowered respiration and problematic breathing problems
  • liver failure
  • death

Vicodin has helped many people with moderate to severe pain, but when a tolerance for the drug develops, people need more of the drug to receive the same benefits. This can lead to misuse and addiction.

Vicodin use can also become dangerous if mixed with other substances. Withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable, and if Vicodin is mixed with depressants such as alcohol, they can be deadly.

Treatment Programs For Prescription Drug Abuse

Medical detoxification can help people safely and successfully detox from Vicodin and allow for a more comfortable withdrawal experience.

Along with detoxification, inpatient and outpatient treatment from qualified healthcare providers can help people fully recover from opioid addiction.

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), with medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone, plus behavioral therapy is the gold standard of treatment for opioid use disorder.

Common mental health options also include group or family therapy, peer recovery support, and relapse prevention.

If you or your loved one are in need of addiction treatment, there are treatment centers that can help with Vicodin drug use and addiction, as well as assist with other ways for pain management.

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