Is Drug And Alcohol Detox Confidential?

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If you are looking into detox programs but are worried about the confidentiality of your health information, don’t let that stop you from getting the care you need. Drug and alcohol rehab centers are required to maintain confidentiality in most situations.

People who are seeking alcohol and drug addiction treatment may be concerned about whether or not detox services are considered protected health information (PHI).

They may be concerned about family members, employers, colleagues, or others finding out about their addiction or their treatment program.

Addiction treatment services are considered PHI and thus kept confidential, barring a few exceptions such as your written consent.

Is Drug And Alcohol Detox Confidential?

People with substance use disorder (SUD) can trust that rehab centers will maintain the confidentiality of patient records.

Drug and alcohol rehab and detox centers fall under the jurisdiction of federal law that has established patient confidentiality in addiction treatment and the medical field in general.

This means that, barring a few exceptions, confidentiality regulations will keep your healthcare information private.

Federal Regulations That Protect Patient Information

The code of federal regulations on patient privacy has been established for decades and comes in the form of two major laws.

The Confidentiality Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse Patient Records (42 CFR Part 2)

Established in 1975 and updated in 1987, 42 CFR Part 2 prevents drug and alcohol addiction treatment providers from sharing their clients’ information.

Later, the federal government established broader laws that affected the healthcare industry as a whole, namely through HIPAA.

The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 1996 (HIPAA)

HIPAA established rules for health insurance plans and healthcare providers that safeguard patient privacy and give the patient control over to whom healthcare providers can release information.

HIPAA also gives patients the right to see their medical records and decide who gets to receive electronic copies of their medical records.

Exceptions To HIPAA

There are exceptions to HIPAA that you should be aware of. Under certain circumstances, medical and substance abuse treatment centers can release your information without your consent.

Treatment providers may release your information if the following apply:

  • they receive a court order
  • public health authorities and medical personnel need the information to control or prevent a medical emergency
  • your medical care may be related to child abuse or neglect
  • law enforcement officials need the information regarding a crime
  • they believe your information will prevent a threat to you, another person, or public safety in general

Privacy And Patient Consent

If you want certain friends, family members, or medical professionals to have access to your information, you can allow your treatment provider to release information to them.

In order to do this, you will need to sign a consent form authorizing your loved ones or others to receive information about your medical condition.

Care teams at drug rehab centers take this process seriously because they know that clients facing alcohol and drug addiction need to feel safe and secure in order to recover.

Find Addiction Treatment Today

If you are looking for addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, you can find it today. Call Detox Rehabs to learn about treatment options and how to get started.


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