Can I Have Visitors At Detox?

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Addiction recovery can be overwhelming to think about, especially if it means leaving the support of family members and friends to go to a detox center or inpatient treatment facility. Although visitors are not typically allowed during detox, this phase of treatment only lasts a short time.

Attending a substance abuse treatment program is necessary for people facing alcohol and drug addiction, and people with moderate to severe addictions may require detox services as a first step.

Facing uncomfortable and sometimes severe withdrawal symptoms can be scary, and people may wonder if their family members or other loved ones can visit at this time.

Can I Have Visitors At Detox?

The goal of detox is to keep clients safe while substances leave their system. The process can involve several physical and mental health symptoms. During this period, friends and family are generally not allowed to visit.

A care team will be providing 24/7 monitoring and support to ensure that the client’s needs are met and they are as comfortable as possible.

Once detoxification is complete, clients are often transferred to an inpatient or outpatient rehab facility, at which time visits will be allowed or clients will be living at home again.

Why Most Detox Programs Do Not Allow Visitors

Beginning the treatment process is a critical time for people in recovery, who often need positive support only.

Even good-intentioned family members and friends may worry about their loved one, which doesn’t always contribute to a positive environment.

Loved ones might also unknowingly create triggers for the client, causing them to want to use drugs or alcohol again.

In cases where visitors are allowed, treatment center personnel will require pre-authorization by a client’s treatment team, and there will be other visitor policies to adhere to.

Blackout Period

Even when visitors are allowed, or when detox services aren’t required, many addiction treatment centers have a blackout period at the beginning of their treatment programs.

This means that clients are not allowed visitors for the first few days of the rehab program. This allows them to make a smoother transition into treatment.

This also allows clients to bond with other people in the addiction treatment program through peer support or group therapy sessions.

Rehab program blackout periods may vary but usually last for at least three days up to about a week. Some programs have longer blackout periods, but those are rare.

Common Policies On Visitation

Visiting a loved one at an alcohol and drug rehab center will require following policies and rules made with the best interests of the client in mind.

Common policies for visitation periods include:

  • getting prior approval from the client’s treatment team
  • not being allowed to bring drugs, alcohol, or other prohibited items
  • keeping the conversation positive
  • remaining in the visitor areas at all times

Drug rehab center visitation rules are in place so that clients receive emotional support from visiting loved ones during the recovery process.

These rules also prevent discussing the kinds of things that would better be discussed and worked out during family therapy sessions, which is a service that many treatment centers provide.

Find Drug Or Alcohol Addiction Treatment Today

Are you or a loved one facing a substance use disorder for the first time? Call us today for more information about beginning the recovery journey.


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